Catalogo delle Edizioni Paremiologiche


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Anno edizione Titolo Autore Coautore
1869  English proverbs and proverbial phrases : collected from the most authentic sources.  Hazlitt, William Carew   
1902  Proverb lore. many sayings, wise or otherwise, on many subjects, gleaned from many sources.  Hulme. F. Edward   
1889 - 1892  Original notes on the book of proverbs. Mostly from eastern writings.  Malan, S. C.   
1855  A commonplace book of thoughts, memories and fancies, original and selected.  Jameson   
1914  Familiar quotations : a collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature.  Bartlett, John  Dole, Nathan Haskell 
1885  Analogous proverbs in ten languages.  Mawr, E. B.   
1874  The Proverbs of John Heywood : being the "Proverbes" of that author printed 1546 edited. with notes and introduction, by Julian Sharman.  Heywood. John  Sharman. Julian 
1882  A hand-book of proverbs. comprising an entire republication of Ray's collection of English proverbs with his additions from foreign languages and a complete alphabetical index. in which are introduced large additions, as well of proverbs as of sayings, sentences, maxims and phrases.  Bohn, Henry George  Ray, John 
1874  A Handbook of proverbs, mottoes, quotations and phrases edited by James Allan Mair.    Mair, James Allan 
1856  Proverbs.  Downey, William Scott   
1870  The proverbs of Scotland with explanatory and illustrative notes and a glossary.  Hislop, Alexander   
1857  Proverbs and their lessons : being the substance of lectures delivered to young men's societies at Portsmouth and elsewhere.  Trench, Richard Chenevix   
1905  Proverbs and their lessons [... ]. Additional notes and a bibliography of proverbs by A. Smythe Palmer.  Trench, Richard Chenevix  Palmer, Abram Smythe 
1869  Proverbs illustrated [and] Worlds not realized by Mrs Alred Gatty.  Gatty, Margaret   
1871  A book of golden thoughts.  Attwell, Henry   
1870  Proverbial philosophy.  Tupper, Martin Farquhar   
1886  Days of the year. A poetic calendar from the works of Alfred Austin [.. .] selected and edited by A.S. With introduction by William Sharp.  Austin, Alfred  Sharp, William 
1848  Shakespeare proverbs. or the Wise Saws of our wiest poet collected into a modern instance. by Mary Cowden Clarke.  Shakespeare. William  Clarke, Mary Cowden 
1885  A Diary of Golden Thoughts for the Year.